Father’s Day 2019

Father's Day 2019 has arrived! I have sat down numerous times this week to try and write this post, but the words were never there...until today.  We were fortunate this weekend to spend time with my parents. They drove two plus hours by themselves to get here. For some that may not seem like a big deal, but for our family it is. It's the first time my mom has driven that far by herself (with dad as co-pilot) since our car accident in October last year. She is also the full-time caregiver for my dad who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's/Dementia two years ago.  

I share all of this for a couple of reasons, but for awareness more than anything. Awareness of the inevitable...life goes on, aging happens and we all do the best we can every day.  Even through the daily struggles, when my dad sees me, he never fails to tell me how much he loves me and loves and appreciates my mom.  So as I look back on this Father's Day 2019 and look forward to future Father's Days, I want to be aware and thankful. Thankful to be able to say "love you" to the men in our family and aware that each day counts regardless of our circumstances.

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