Custom Interiors Corner
Drop Ship with Custom Interiors Homes and Creative Co-Op, Kalalou, Parkhill Collection, or Peacock Park Designs
Exciting News! Custom Interiors Homes is now able to drop-ship directly to your home from the following companies:
Creative Coop, Kalalou, Parkhill Collection, Peacock Park Designs
Custom Interiors and Parkhill Collection
We’ve partnered with one of our vendors, Park Hill Collection, to bring their entire collection to you during this unprecedented time!!
Father’s Day 2019
Thankful to be able to say "love you" to the men in our family and aware that each day counts regardless of our circumstances.
Faux Real?
There are succulents that you have to pinch to see if they are faux or real and many manufacturers now make “real touch” flowers.
Grand Opening of Storefront
Goodness gracious! It’s been a while since I’ve written a post for the corner. We have been busy getting our storefront stocked and open.
Our Gr...
Burning of the Socks
“Burning of the Socks” is March 16, 2019 from 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM at Buncombe Creek Marina, Lake Texoma.
Just Around the Corner...
Spring is just around the corner. Four things to do around the house to get ready for Spring.
Spring forward an hour on March 10, 2019 at 2:00 AM.
Goodbye February, Hello March!
So many beautiful faux flowers and botanicals you can use in your home that look and feel realistic.